Mediaportal m3u
Mediaportal m3u

mediaportal m3u

So if I want to swap between those two I switch to 3/4 then to 1/2. I will get sound but no image, just a black screen. So if anyone knows what key to bind please let me know and I'll reprogram my harmony to use it!Ĭant switch to/from TVNZ1 & TVNZ2. I HATE HATE HATE having to try like hell to get the damned tv/videos back into full screen! OMG! Cant find how to do it without going thru menu after menu. This just plain didnt work so Im guessing the inbuilt theme menu editing isnt working yet. Tried removing stuff from the main menu I dont use - pictures and now music since Im not going to bother - I'll stick spotify on the computer for the rare time I use it for music!. Or even a straight forward theme like my Kodi one. I would have loved a straight forward theme like MP1 has. Pet peeves about MP 2.1 - the interface is a little hard to use. Doesnt come up with a rating system etc like the original did on MP1. Not a biggie right now would just be nice to have it syncing so both my computers have updated syncs. Removed my music (admittedly I have 450-500GB of music from waaaaaaaay too many CD's I actually own!). Added in my music - it crapped out and started crashing the tv server again. Tested it out and OMG! it worked perfectly - or so I thought!Īdded in my media - tv shows, movies. OMG did it take its time! Too many oh who knows what :p Installed MP 2.1 from scratch again. Third Install - I reinstalled 1.16 and did a FULL uninstall and deleted the lot. It detected my cards correctly but was still crashing regularly when trying to change channels. It also decided 2 of my 3 DVB-T cards were unknown types of cards. It picked up all my existing configuration and proceeded to turn to utter crap. So I chucked it in and installed MP 2.1.įirst install - I installed it with 1.16 still installed. Nothing but problems since 1.16 for me with MP crashing, freezing after watching local media etc. I finally decided I'd had enough of the bugs from Mediaportal 1.16/1.17.

Mediaportal m3u